ADEBO Septican® 500ml
Septican is a ready-to-use, alcohol-based, comprehensively effective hand disinfectant for hygienic and surgical use
Hand disinfection. It is characterized by a
very good skin compatibility even with very frequent use. Septican is dermatologically tested “very good”.
Septican can be used in all areas of the
human hygiene.
Areas of application:
Suitable for all human areas
Hygiene with high demands on hand hygiene in clinics, practices, outpatient clinics, care facilities as well as industrial and laboratory areas and for skin disinfection.
Type and duration of application:
Ready to use, the hands, if necessary the forearms
rub with the undiluted preparation.
Hands and forearms must be kept moist throughout the entire application period.
The standard rubbing methods for hygienic
and surgical hand disinfection are too
Surgical hand disinfection according to EN 12791:
Prof. Dr. med. H.-P. Werner, HygCen GmbH,
Schwerin, 2011
Skin disinfection according to DGHM/ prEN1500:
Prof. Dr. med. H.-P. Werner, HygCen GmbH,
Schwerin, 2012
Dr. Brill + Partner, Hamburg, 2013
MRSA effectiveness:
Prof. Dr. med. H.-P. Werner, HygCen GmbH,
Schwerin, 2011
Virucide according to EN 14476 + RKI / DVV:
Poliovirus, Adenovirus, Rota, Noro, Vaccinia,
Prof. Dr. med. H.-P. Werner, HygCen GmbH,
Schwerin, 2010/2012
Prof. Dr. med. H.-P. Werner, HygCen GmbH,
Schwerin, 2011
Prof. Dr. med. Werner Voss,
Dermatest “very good”, 2013
VAH listed
IHO listed
Hygienic hand disinfection according to prEN 1500:
Prof. Dr. med. H.-P. Werner, HygCen GmbH,
Schwerin, 2010
Hand antiseptic
Composition (100 g contains):
Active ingredient: 73.5 g ethanol
Other ingredients:
Purified water, moisturizer/surfactant
Exposure times:
Virucidally effective according to EN 14476
Adenovirus: 1 min.
Poliovirus: 2 min.
BVDV: 15 sec.
SV40: 1 min.
Noro (MNV): 15 sec.
Rotaviruses: 15 sec.
Vaccinia: 15 sec.
Tuberculocidia (M.-Terrae): 30 sec.
MRSA: 15 sec.
All information applies to undiluted
Hygienic hand disinfection:
Bactericidal and fungicidal effect according to EN 1500.
VAH application recommendation:
15 seconds / at least 3 ml
Surgical hand disinfection according to EN 12791:
at least 3 ml / 90 seconds. hands during
Keep the entire application moist.
Skin disinfection:
on skin with poor sebaceous glands 15 seconds.
on skin rich in sebaceous glands 1 min.
(keep moist)
Status of information: August 22, 2017
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